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Contoh Pidato

Contoh Pidato 5 Menit B.Indonesia Mengenai "Manajemen Waktu"

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Contoh Pidato 5 Menit Bahasa Indonesia (Kelas IX)

Berikut merupakan contoh pidato 5 Menit B.Indonesia dengan sedikit humor segar: 

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Salam sejahtera bagi kita semua, semoga Tuhan Yang Maha Esa selalu melimpahkan rahmat, karunia dan kasih sayangnya kepada kita hingga akhir nanti. Yang terhormat Ibu Dedeh Nurhasanah selaku dewan guru, serta rekan-rekan saya yang saya banggakan.
Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan membahas tentang “Manajemen Waktu”, suatu hal yang berat kedengarannya tetapi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari kita, selalu dianggap sepele dan nyatanya secara tidak langsung selalu berdampak besar pada kehidupan di negara ini.
Mari kita mulai dari hal kecil yang sering terjadi pada banyak orang, yaitu mematikan alarm setelah semalam di atur dengan yakin-nya, dengan harapan dapat bangun tepat waktu tetapi apalah artinya alarm jika kita bangun untuk kembali tidur. Kasus seperti ini sering dialami oleh banyak remaja yang sulit tidur, sulit tidur dan sulit bangun serta remaja yang cepat tidur dan sulit bangun. Awalnya mungkin waktu ditunda untuk 5 menit, kemudian 10 menit, 15 menit sampai menit-menit terakhir pun masih belum bangun. Akibatnya seluruh agenda pagi itu hancur berantakan, hanya karena waktu yang ditunda. Untuk mengatasi kebiasaan buruk ini kita dapat melakukan “Latihan Respon Alarm” yang dilakukan dalam jangka waktu satu sampai dua minggu, awalnya mintalah bantuan ibu atau orang lain untuk membangunkan kita, jika kita tidak bangun tepat pada bunyi alarm dan berilah hukuman pada diri sendiri seperti mengurangi uang jajan untuk menimbulkan rasa jera dan bersalah, sampai akhirnya kita terbiasa bunyi alarm yang secara spontan dapat membangunkan kita.
Hal kedua yang marak dianggap sepele tapi berdampak besar selain menunda waktu adalah mengulur waktu atau biasa disebut ngaret. Nah, hal ini mungkin merupakan hal biasa atau bahkan gurauan bagi kita, tapi faktanya di negara-negara maju sana sikap mengulur-ngulur waktu merupakan hal yang sangat fatal bagi status sosial kita di masyarakat, sehingga muncul istilah Deadline bagi batas waktu perjanjian yang sangat penting. Sifat buruk ini jika terus kita pelihara dan berlanjut hingga ke dunia pekerjaan nanti maka, secara pribadi akan berdampak pada lunturnya sikap tanggung jawab, serta runtuhnya kredibilitas kita di mata orang lain. Tak sampai di situ saja, bermain-main dengan waktu dapat menimbulkan akibat domino, yang satu kesalahannya dapat menimbulkan masalah yang bahkan lebih berat dan terus berlanjut seperti itu.
Nah, dari uraian tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa waktu merupakan hal yang sangat penting, sehingga dikatakan bahwa waktu layaknya sebuah pedang bermata dua yang di satu sisi dapat menyelesaikan masalah, tapi di sisi lain dapat menimbulkan masalah, selalu gunakan waktu dengan baik agar tidak berbalik dan malah menyelesakan karir dan nama baik kita untuk selama-lamanya.
Saya kira cukup sekian, semoga apa yang saya sampaikan ini dapat bermanfaat bagi saya sendiri khususnya dan bagi rekan-rekan pada umumnya, terima kasih atas waktu dan perhatiannya. Salam sejahtera.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb. 

Contoh Lima Essay Text Bahasa Inggris (Kelas IX)

Narrative Text (Orientation+Complication+Resolution+Moral Value)
The Shepherd Boy and Wise Wild Goats
            In one sunny day, a shepherd took his sheep out to pasture, but when it was time to return to sheep pen, he found that some wild goats had become mixed up with his cattle. Nonetheless, he was very pleased that the cattle had grown by itself, and he closed the goats into the pen along with the sheep.
            The next day was rainy and the shepherd decided not to go to the pasture just like usual. He gave sheep only a small handful of foods, while he gave much bigger rations to the goats. He thought that if he treated the well, they would stay with him. In spite of this, as soon as the shepherd opened the gate, the goats ran out and he was unable to catch them again.
            “Ungrateful beasts!” shouted the shepherd boy after them.”I treated you better than the other!”. “That’s why we’re going, kid” answered the goats. “If you prefer us new animals to your sheep, how will you treat us if you find some other animals in your flock? Huh, goodbye kid” The shepherd boy realized what he have done and regretted it.
            So don’t be too happy if someone shows you that they prefer you and forget their old friends. You too will soon be an old friend and could be replaced just as easily as you replaced their old friend.” Learn somebody by what have they done to their buddy.”

Report Text (Title+Classification+Description)
Dani People

The Dani people, are a people from the central highlands of western New Guinea, The Indonesian province of Papua. The Dani People have been known exist since the 1926 Smithsonian Institution-Dutch Colonial Government expedition to New Guinea led by Matthew Stirling.

There are some interesting things about The Dani People, like their culture. The Dani use an earth oven method of cooking pig and their staple crops such as sweet potato, banana, and cassava during their cultural feast. They heat some stones in a fire until they are extremely hot, then use them to heat and cook their food in a big pit.
            The Dani People live in three different kinds of hut; they are Honai, Eweai and Leseai. Men and women are forbidden to sleep along in a same hut, even the couple who has been married. That’s why they build Honai and Eweai. This because Honai is a place to store sacred objects, and women is forbidden to enter.
            Another thing which brought fame to the Dani tribe are the several hundred years old ”smoked” mummies of famous tribesmen and warriors. It can be seen in the Baliem valley. Dani tribe believe that the soul is directly affected by the way the body is processed which may be the reason why some man were mummified supposedly 200 or more years ago.

Recount (Orientation+Event+Reorientation)
It’s Not My Brother!
            I have had an awkward moment, it was started long time ago, at that time I was about 9 years old. My family and I went to a factory outlet in Bandung on a vacation; we were looking for some T-shirt. So, my brother and I went to the kid section, we chose our favorite T-shirt. No longer after that I found an interesting one and I wanted to know my brother’s comment about it, so I pulled his hand strongly to surprise him but when I did it, it was stuck and when I turned my head back, I looked a tall man with long hair, next to him a woman that probably his girlfriend was looking at me in astound, “It’s not my brother”. Of course after that I asked for his apologize. At last when I looked at his back, I saw my brother there laughing out loud. That was so embarrassing.
Procedure (Goals+Material Needed+Steps)
How to Make Herbal Cough Syrup from Red Onion and Garlic
Things you’ll need:
  • ·         One red onion
  • ·         A clove of garlic
  • ·         A half cup of honey
  • ·         A half cup of water
  • ·         Some mint leaves
  • ·         Small water container with its lid
  • ·         Spoon

  • ·         First, combine a half cup of honey and a half cup of water in the water container.
  • ·         Second, Chop a clove of garlic and red onion
  • ·         Then, add them into the mixture, stir it well using the spoon.
  • ·         After that, add some mint leaves into the mixture.
  • ·         Finally, cover it tightly and let it sit overnight, or for about 8-12 hours.
  • ·         Use it 3 times in a day

Descriptive (Identification+Description)
The Universal Studio Singapore
            The Universal Studio Singapore is one of the most well-known tourist attractions in Singapore. It is worth it to go there spending all day long and get home in not only exhaustion but also exhilaration.

            The Universal Studio is located in Resort World, Sentosa Island, Singapore. The park consists of seven themed zones which surround a lagoon. Each zone is based on a blockbuster movie or a television show, featuring their own unique attractions, character appearances, dining and shopping areas. They are Hollywood, New York, Sci-Fi City, Ancient Egypt, The Lost World, Far Far Away and Madagascar. Each zone was built in a very detail construction. Like in Hollywood zone, there are many cars, trains and robots are placed in the side of the street so, it’s like we were brought some of Hollywood legendary action movie scene. There are also sounds that match every zone, or called ambient sounds, this make us forget about where we are and make us think that we are really being the part of the story.